Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sucks at Blogging

So this semester was long and painful - which should explain the extreme lack of blogging.

Well, I'll catch everyone up at a later date... quite a lot happened this semester....

but here's a preview:
Sam turned 21

this is Stella

she's kind of my dog

I got a haircut

and a really cute dog

that sleeps like this

I got her from this guy, my professor, Dr. Bohannon

she gets upset when I leave and watches me through the window

then Brendan found a cat... we called it Kitty

then there's this guy

I love him to pieces

So that's a very swift wrap up of my semester in pictures. I will explain all of this more fully in time. However, seeing as I'm taking my senior seminar course over Christmas Break, and moving, it may take a little bit of time to get everything in.... bear with me, because I love you.

Which I do, very very much. :)