Sunday, June 19, 2011


So I haven't blogged in about a million years. Sheesh. My life has been completely taken over by schoolwork. I haven't gone home to see my family in over a month, and haven't even seen much of my Cape friends since the start of summer! This is GARBAGE! And unfortunately, it's not fixin' to change any time soon. So for this post, I will do a few things.

I nearly peed my pants when I saw this today.... and then I cried because I am just that excited. Go ahead and laugh... that just proves how lame you are for not loving HP like I do. 

 My dove hatched!! Mind you, this happened about a week or more ago, so he's not this tiny any more.
proud mama : )
I am obsessed with smoothies. It's getting a little bit ridiculous. I somewhat recently invested in a single serving size blender thinking "What the hell, I may make a smoothie some day". As it turns out, I would be making a smoothie or two every single day after that. I started out buying a couple of those Smoothie Creations things from Yoplait in the frozen section - but those are two fifty a piece and only make 2 smoothies... that really isn't all that much better than buying one from Panera. So I went to my new favorite place - Aldi's. I'm not sure if I've gone into detail about my discovery of this magical land of cheap food, but I'm sure I'll rant about it sooner or later. At any rate, they stock frozen, in season fruit there, and I decided that, hey, I'll make my own darn smoothie creations! So I got a bag of each kind ($2.50ish each - and I've already made about a dozen smoothies with those) and a big container of plain yogurt. I also went to Schnuck's and picked up a few more kinds of fruit a few days later. Just one of these fabulous smoothies can make a meal of itself, and my blender makes the perfect size just for me! 
THEN... a great realization occurred while talking to Gramma B (to let her know that my bird hatched). I filled her in on my smoothie binge and she asked if I was making banana shakes.
       This is something no one else in the world can understand..... and that is sadder than a perfect angelfood cake that fell out of the pan. And we all know how incredibly sad that is.
Gramma Buettner's banana shakes are legendary in the book of my life. Whenever I got sick growing up, or whenever I was sleeping over at Gramma and Grampa's house, Gram would make me a banana shake. It's absolutely brilliant and is made with frozen bananas. That's as far as I'll go with this, because it's too miraculous to share in public. If you'd like to experience this magical banana concoction, let me know. I'll hook you up. 
I went to Aldi's, picked up some bananas, and had to wait for a few days of absolute torture for my bananas to be ripe enough to freeze. Tonight was the night. I made myself a beautiful banana shake, and I am happier than a tornado in a trailer park. Yes, it may sound as though I'm being melodramatic... but like I said, no one else in this world can understand the glory of a Gramma Buettner Banana Shake... and for that, I am sorry.

Love to the readers : )

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