Saturday, July 2, 2011

HARRYYYYY!! (shouted in Hagrid's voice)

Oh my gravy... it is officially 12 days and 11 hours until the final Harry Potter movie comes out and my life, quite possibly, officially ends. I will go ahead and convey my extreme affection for this series today. This will be disgusting, just to let you know.

So back in fourth grade, when HP was all the rage, I decided Hey, why not give it a try? So I somehow managed to get my hands on the third book, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (ironically, it is my favorite of the series). I totally didn't get it and had no idea how these books had gained so much momentum and attention and gave it up as a bad job (a saying I picked up from the books).

Senior year of high school, I decided the time was ripe for a retry. I had seen and liked a lot of the movies, and had been told by my friend Lucie that they are THE BEST BOOKS EVER. So I trekked on over to Walmart to pick up my first copy of the first book. 

And so it began.

It is perfectly obvious what happened next. I fell completely in love, discovered that starting from the beginning explains a lot that starting in the third book did not, and never looked back. As soon as I finished the entire series, what did I do? Oh yes, I started over. I had devoted the entire summer before my senior year to reading the HP series twice. I have since read it about five times, and am doing it again before the final movie premiers. That kind of became the tradition - read the series, watch the new movie at midnight. Yes, I am one of those fools that goes to the theater at midnight and bawls through the whole movie because it is just so moving to me.

Another ironic thing is that I did a book project in high school (pre-Potter) with Heather Norris that included the final HP book. The thing about me and book projects.... I've never read a book for a book project. I just manage to BS my way to an A every single time. It's disturbingly unfair. Anyway, the project resulted in this picture as previously seen in this blog:
And that was a full year and a half before I had any idea what I was so excited about! Granted, the original picture had me pointing at a fire hydrant, but really the excitement was meant for Harry and the gang.

So which is my favorite book, you ask? I respond with "Why would you ask that? I already told you. But I will go ahead and repeat myself: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"

"Which is your favorite character then, you smart ass?" you may say next.
To that, I must respond with "Holy Garbage, I have quite a few"
There are all the obvious ones: Harry, Hermione, Ron...(we'll skip those) but there are a heap of them that I love that may take some explaining.
Albus Dumbledore

Sirius Black
Also, Duh. Who does NOT love Sirius?!

The Weasley Twins
Probably the second funniest in the books... after Dumbledore. Dumbledore freaking cracks me up!!

Severus Snape
Oh Lord, please don't hate me. But seriously... if you've read the books, you know this guy has the BEST story of all of the characters. I appreciate that. Also, Alan Rickman plays the part like a genius. Evidently, JK Rowling told Alan Rickman something in private before filming the first movie about Severus Snape. It was a secret that Rickman never told anyone, not even the producers or the directors. I think he knew the big secret that comes out at the end of the series - before even the fourth book was written. If that's not epic, I don't know what is.

Also, Duh. Hagrid's pretty much the best. The unexpected part is...

Hagrid's half-brother, giant Grawp never fails to make me smile when he comes in screaming for HAGGER or HERMY!

I have tons more favorite characters, but this post is getting long.
I'm sure, with the countdown to the new movie getting lower and lower, there will be another PotterPost coming soon, but as I have a lot of reading to do before that happens, this PotterPost needs to draw to a close for now. If you have any particular Potter questions, or any tricky trivia you think I can't answer, facebook me. I swear, I probably know WAY more Harry Potter trivia than is necessary for any one Potter Fan. 

12 Days, 10 hours and 25 minutes to go!!!


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