Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Dream of Panda

So for the past month, I've been having loads of dreams about my best friend, Amanda - or better known as Panda. For those of you who don't know this lovely lady, she's been my best friend since preschool... Literally.

It may be blurry, but there we are: In preschool standing near to one another. I'm third from the right in the back, and she's right in front of me. Oh, and Eric's next to me, the handsome devil.

I'm not entirely certain what brought on the obsessive dreaming of my bestie, probably the fact that I miss her or something pathetic like that. Anywho, I've been keeping her posted of my insane dreams of her, and she seems to enjoy them, and I promised her a blog post dedicated to these nighttime wanderings. So, here it is.

Panda Dream #1: The Razor Incident
    The dream began with me arriving at Panda's mom's house to swim one sunny, summer afternoon. I went into the basement bathroom to change into my suit as always when I suddenly realized I had completely forgotten to shave. Ugh.
   Fortunately, there is a shower in said bathroom which I opened to find a pile of razors just sitting, waiting to be utilized. I wasted no time in snatching one up, and getting started hacking away at the caveman-ish hairiness. Midway through - or really when I was almost done - I realized that what I was doing was not only mildly disgusting, but it was also pretty darn rude to use someone else's razor without asking; even if that person has been your best friend your entire life. So, I opened the door to see Panda waiting for me on the couch that used to sit right outside the bathroom door. I peeked out and said, "Hey Panda? I totally forgot to shave. Could I borrow a razor?".
  She immediately jumped up and responded with, "Sure! I'll go grab you a new one!" and darted off upstairs while I hung my head in shame. I expected her to tell me to use one of the many in the shower, but as per typical of Panda, she wanted me to have a new, clean razor to shave with.

  Feeling highly ashamed of myself, I waited for Panda to come back downstairs. When she did, I burst out in embarrassment, "Panda, I'm so sorry but I kind of already used one of the razors in the shower before I asked and realized how rude it was! I'm so so so sorry!"
  She just chuckled at me and said, "Em, it's ok! See? You can pop off the head and put a new one right on... No big deal!"
  I continued on with my apologies until she would hear no more of it and left the bathroom. I finished shaving and we went swimming with a whole bunch of people that I didn't know were even there.

I woke up from this extremely disconcerted that I had used someone else's razor without asking, thoroughly grossed out.

Panda Dream #2: The Trampoline
Very similar to the Razor Incident, I arrived at Amanda's house to hang out. Only I was in a hideous red swimming suit and everyone else was in normal clothes... except Panda. She had on a bathing suit top and jeans. Still a lot more normal looking than me. Anyway, when I got there, I went through the basement - like the last dream - but didn't stop at the bathroom this time. I went out into the backyard to find a trampoline where the pool actually is. The entire karaoke crew was there (See "Finally Facin' my Waterloo" post) as well as Nick, and some blonde guy I didn't know. They were all laying on the trampoline. I talked to blonde guy for awhile. He had good teeth and was nice enough, so I determined that he was good enough to date Panda. Why? I do not know.
Then panda came out of the house and we decided it was time to bounce. Which she and I did while everyone else continued to lay there. It was like a really big, really lame game of pop-corn.

When I talked to Panda about this, it turns out I may have been dreaming about a cute blonde guy who had been showing interest in her... even though I've never met the guy. Weird.

Panda Dream #3: Little Bo Panda and Her Cheese Problem
This one was the best by far. I was in no way involved and was just an observer to the scene. Picture this:
There is a giant, open, green pasture, very hilly: think "Sound of Music".
In said hilly, green pasture, is a herd of goats. That's right, goats.
In the middle of the herd of goats stands a very disgruntled looking Panda in a sky blue, Bo Peep dress with matching bonnet - as well as her very stylish black glasses.
She is doing her very best to milk the goats and is doing a pretty good job, considering she's never milked a goat as far as I know. However, she gets increasingly frustrated with the fact that the goats are producing milk instead of cheese.
                    Side Note: For those of you who read this blog and don't know Panda personally, you must know that she has a weird affection for cheese - she wrote an entire blog entry about it.
The more she tries, the more angry she gets at the goats for their lack of cheese making. She keeps tugging at the teats and shouting "WHY WON'T YOU MAKE CHEESE?!". She continues moving from goat to goat, milking and yelling.
It was absolutely hysterical. Here is an artistic adaptation of the dream:
Just imagine that they're goats instead of sheep and she's milking them and shouting at them instead of searching for them.
That was the entire dream. I could not tell you why on earth she was there, or why she was so desperate for cheese, but the story remains.

Panda Dream #4: Stylist Panda
This one happened last night.

So I heard that Panda got this great new job at a salon called Eclipse. They had pretty pale pink business cards that she had given me, so I went by to surprise her at work, and to try and get a job as a receptionist - knowing how I adore reception work, this is not all that surprising. As it turns out, she was not a receptionist as I had guessed, but rather a stylist! She came out and was all excited to see me and to show me her new job. She took me back to her work station which was gorgeous - pale pink and stainless steel with a nice leather chair for clients as well as a bench that opened up to reveal a stock of makeup and other various doo-dads. While I was looking at her amazing new work space, she came running over with hair extensions and exclaimed that she was going to do my hair for the receptionist interview that she just got for me. She stuck some extensions in my bangs and straightened/curled them so that they looked really pretty. I was really hoping to see the final product of me with long pretty hair as done by my bestie, but I woke up as soon as she was finished straightening my bangs.

She hasn't heard this one yet either, but it was a really fun dream. I was pretty bummed that it wasn't real.

Love you Panda!

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