Sunday, September 25, 2011

My name is Emily and I'm a Mormon.

You know those commercials, right??
If not, oh well.

So last night was the Chamber Choir's Fondue Night "Rehearsal"... I use the term "rehearsal" VERY loosely.

So for those of you who somehow have not yet found out, yesterday I was stranded without a car. If it were not for the great and amazing friend that Sam is, I would never have survived... I mean, I probably would have but whatever. She just so happened to be working the exact same hours as me and, thank goodness, gave me a ride to work and to said Fondue Night.

Upon arrival at the Hendricks estate, I was greeted by Stella, a sweet, wobbly and rather rotund yellow labby looking dog, but that's beside the point.

By the way, Dr. Hendricks reads this blog, so... Dr Hendricks, be warned: This is about you! 
And to my fellow choir members, brace yourself for the image to come.....

So once most everyone arrived, we had our "rehearsal time" which consisted of singing through Remember twice and calling it a day. We then moved on to FONDUE!!! There was oil fondue and raw meat to cook, cheese fondue and an assortment of things to cheese-ify and, my personal favorite, the chocolate fountain with loads of tasty treats to dunk in. I primarily spent the fondue time spearing banana chunks and making them dive into the chocolate fountain creating a fabulously delectable morsel to immediately snarf... and believe me, snarfing ensued.
Anyway, throughout the process, everyone was socializing and having a jolly old time. While testing out the cheesy fondue goodness, Dr. Hendricks approached me and asked me how it was exactly that I got into blogging. He seemed mildly surprised by my answer of "Well, my life is full of strange and mildly amusing stories that my friends convinced me to make a blog out of" (cheers to you Panda), and we discussed how some blogs make relatively good livings by reviewing products and services or by just being awesome. I highly doubt that Time With Emily is up to any kind of money making standard as of yet, but hey, we can dream.
I swear this is public property, I found it on SEMO's website!
A little while later, after I'd pretty much emptied the dessert tray of bananas and was having a chat with Vikki and Robb (that's right, two Bs - please pronounce them both), Dr. Hendricks came back over. He looked at me and said, "I have kind of a weird question."
Feeling mildly apprehensive, I replied, "Ok..."
"What are you?" he asked, looking slightly sheepish.
"....." I stood there being confused about what he was asking. This will be approached again later.
" religiously", he clarified.
"Oh! I'm UCC. Why?"
"Oh, never mind."
"Wait, you can't just ask that and end it with no explanation."
It took some convincing, but as we were all very baffled he finally continued, "Well, it's just that you're always dressed nice and you have a blog."
Not exactly sure what that meant. The question mark on my face probably prompted the clarification. He continued, "Well, Hays (his wife) follows a lot of blogs for her sewing, and most of them are Mormon. So I guess I was just wondering if you were a Mormon, too."
"Hahahahahah! No I'm not, I just take pride in the appearance I present every day, so I always want to put my best foot forward. I do it for me."
"Well, that's a great way to go about things." And he moved on to have some more tasty fondue.
As soon as he walked away, Robb leaned over and said, "I was so sure he was going to ask you if you were a lesbian!" Which, it turns out, is exactly what I had thought too.

So the evening continued with a lot of singing - completely unrelated to any sort of rehearsal. Dr. H sang "the Piggy Song", a choir favorite, and we all joined together in an interesting rendition of "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green. There was a little bit of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" and then we sang "BINGO" - yes, the little kids song followed by "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain". I'd call that an evening of well-mannered-frivolity.

And yes, that's an HP reference - good catch.

Love to the Readers!

P.S. GREAT picture Dr. Hendricks... It will probably come back to haunt you that I found this. :)

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