Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Clean Giraffes

So lately I've been completely head-over-heels in love with a show I found on Netflix: Clean House. For those of you who, like  me, had never heard of it because you live in a cave without any kind of cable, it's a show where a team of people come in to people's nasty, clutter filled homes, clean up the clutter, address the real problem, have a yard sale to sell these people's crap and use the money to clean up, renovate, organize and decorate three rooms in their house.

Typically, the people are grateful and adore their new homes, and sometimes, they act like a real pain and complain about what was done. I'm sorry, but if I lived in a hovel of clutter and nastiness (or Foolishness as Niecy calls it), I would LOVE to have a chance to start over. 

I have to say, my mother always gave me a hard time when I lived at home about how cluttered my room was. And I have to hand it to her, she was right (savor it, mom). I had SO much stuff packed into such a tiny space, that I was definitely overflowing and in need of some help. That help came in the form of... dun-dun-duhhhhhhhh... College. I was forced to go through everything to pack up the essentials to move into the dorms. That was pretty much impossible. Most of my clutter stayed behind for my mom to go through at her leisure... which she has done even more so since she got Athena - who now lives in my room and claims it as her own. Mom had to get rid of all of the shoes I left behind just because Athena didn't like where her litter box was (out in the open) and wanted a more confined peeing space (in the closet) and took it upon herself to make that known by peeing all over my shoes. For those of you that know me, you understand how TRAGIC this was. I LOVE my shoes, and now I'm down to probably fewer than fifteen pairs. Which all reside safely with me now. This has proven to be quite a pain. 

Side story: I went home last week sometime to see friends and my fam and decided that two of my favorite pairs of heels was all that was needed. When I got home, my friend Jeff decided we needed to go to the zoo... I can NOT say no to the zoo. I have since learned a very important lesson: NEVER wear heels to the zoo. You WILL regret it, much sooner than you think.

Anyhow, since I now live entirely on my own, clutter is a thing of the past. My mom can't, or refuses to believe it, but I have a pristine living environment all on my own. I vacuum once or twice a week, dust at least once, pick up after myself, keep up on laundry, do dishes as soon as I dirty them, and overall just keep the place immaculate. It's FANTASTIC!!! I don't have anything I don't need, and life is good! 

So, my latest expensive wish-list addition is a Roomba Vacuum. It vacuums FOR you!!! And it's a cute little robot that zooms around once a day and vacuums your whole house! I would vacuum once a day if I could, seeing as the day after I vacuum, there's already somehow more crap on the floor. I see this as a magnificent way of compromising with myself. I pay a butt-ton of money ($150 on Amazon, don't worry, I won't cough up $400 for a full priced one), and I get clean floors every day for forever! Seems fair to me! Now I just need to find work to make the money to cough up for the vacuum. I also need a new phone since mine's breaking, but I do believe that the priority is the vacuum. Clean Floors before contact with the outside world, right?! hmmm....

Anyway, I understand that this post is unbelievably random, but hey, Clean House has taken over my life for the last couple of days!

Also, one of my very best friends has returned to my life!! Sam!! She spent the semester doing an internship with Disney in Florida and is full of good and dramatic stories. She and I are equally overly-emotional people, so we understand each other in a way that no one else could. I'm SO glad she's back and that I get to spend the summer with her!! 

Also, below you'll see a picture of two giraffes. One normal looking, and one that looks like it's on crack. The normal looking one I got from the zoo after complaining that no one has ever gotten me one, and EVERYONE knows how much I love giraffes. A few days later, I got the crack giraffe from Sam!! She knows me so well, and I nearly cried when she gave it to me because I had just been whining about how no one had ever gotten me one. Their names are Truman and Trudy. They're fabulous.

Hopefully my Hometown friends will make the trek down here in their fuel efficient cars to hang out with me a bunch as well as my Cape friends! It should be a fantastical summer if you don't count the incredible amount of work I have for my summer classes. So I'm pretty pumped. There's some graduation parties to be attended, a Murder Mystery Dinner Theater to see with the girls, and loads of good times to be had all around. 

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