Monday, May 9, 2011


So a little about myself:

For those of you who don't know, I have had just about every natural hair color you can imagine... and some not so natural. This post is coming about because I'm going to get some highlights done here in a bit, as I am working my way back towards being a blonde. Here, I will attempt to include a photo of almost all of my hair colors in succession... I'm not sure if this is possible, but hey, I'll try. Enjoy!

So this may well be the only picture in existence of me with my natural hair color - you know, except baby pictures. Let the fun begin.
First stop, Black hair and braces

 The day I got my drivers license, I decided I was through having black hair, and since my parents were leaving town for the weekend, it was time to bleach my whole dang head. And that's exactly what I did.
From there, we somehow ended up brown again - but darker.

 Then I tried going a little bit red

 And once again back at dark brown (with the lovely panda)
 Make it redder again
And back at dark brown, but add bangs for the end of senior year!
 Bored of brown once again, we went for the million colored highlights! And that's what I looked like when I went to college.

But never fear, within a few months, the long hair was hacked off once again and dyed dark brown (WHY did I keep doing that!?)

 I've always had a fondness for red, evidently, so I put some back in. It stayed that way from Halloween until around easter.. that's a long time in hair for me!
 Then it got longer and needed some highlights.
 And by that summer, I was nearly blonde again!
 But that didn't last long, I decided auburn was the way to go soon after that - late summer.
 And then, surprise, surprise. I cut it all off again. This was a very eventful sumer for hair. But it stayed about like this until very recently.
 Near the end it looked like this.
Until I got a nice asymmetrical cut with nice highlights... this is what I look like today.... Not for looong!!

I'm off to the salon in a few hours to get half-priced highlights. Totally worth it in my quest to be blonde this summer! Wish me luck!

I hope you enjoyed my hair presentation. It has never before been presented in this format and only lived on in the memories  of those who have been around long enough to see it all go down. There will be much more to add to this in my lifetime... if all my hair doesn't fall out from the strain I put on it!

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