Friday, May 13, 2011

the END

I can not believe I made it.

The end of this big stupid school year... Finals week is officially over, and summer has begun. Let's take a few posts to review all the fun and dumb crap that happened this year, shall we?

Well now, let's see.... August 2010.

I moved into The Evil Apartment Complex (TEAC) - which will be so named from here on out because of what ensued this year with said complex - and met my three roommates: Two boys (B1 and B2) and a girl (G). They will also remain named this way in case anyone decides to get mad about this... I have named NO names. So there... try to get mad about that, sucka!!
Upon entering the apartment, my mom, brother and I realized that we were the only ones there, and also that the cabinets were COVERED in liquor bottles. For those of you who know me, which all of you should, I don't drink. I think drunks are ignorant and obnoxious... and my beliefs were only further affirmed after my experience here. But hey, do what you want. It's your life.
We moved all my stuff in, and the lovely Sam and Chance stopped by to assist with the process (LOVE THEM!!) and all seemed well. Things started off pretty normal. I met G first, who was moving in around the same time as myself, and met B1 and B2 later on - like three days later.. which was weird. Anyway, as I said, things began rather normally, but as we settled in, the parties started. Like I said, I'm not going to tell anyone how to live their life, but when I am continually woken up at 2, 3, 4, 5 (!!!) am, I begin to lose my patience.

While living there, sometime in the beginning of September, I went to my car so I could go to class, and while I'm opening my car, I feel something fuzzy on my leg, look down and see this little tiger calico kitten staring up at me. She meowed at me and let me pick her up without running away - which is REALLY weird for a stray cat. I put her down in my front seat to figure out what on earth to do with this little thing, and decided that I needed to get to class, but leaving her outside was NOT an option, as an enormous hawk had just swooped down into a nearby tree (like 8 feet away). I was pretty sure that this kitten had been Mr. Hawk's idea of a fabulous lunch, but I wasn't having it. No sir. So I took her up to the apartment to B2 and asked if he would mind watching her while I went to class and figured out what to do with her. B2 said ok, and let her roam around while I was gone. When I returned, she was asleep in his lap and we decided that the only thing to do was keep her. So G and I went to Petco and stocked up on kitty supplies.
I should probably mention here that TEAC is a No pets apartment - so we had to be sneaky. I'm sorry, an innocent life should not be sacrificed for some stupid no pets rule.

We soon discovered that this sweet little kitty was COVERED in fleas. I'm getting itchy just remembering it. She had four baths within the first two days that we had her, and that seemed to have pretty much done the trick. She waited to go to the bathroom until we had a litter box set up for her - about seven hours after she was brought inside - the smart little thing! And she slept with me once she was flea-free. She really enjoyed sleeping on the pillow right above my head and being a little furry sleeping hat for me.

A week after I found her, I made an appointment with my boss to get her shots and get her all checked out. She was as healthy as could be - which was surprising considering what circumstances she came from! She got all of her kitten shots, and met my family during the process - this is around the time my mom and brother fell in love with her. They wanted me to bring her home even if she didn't have an appointment, just so they could see her. She was about 12 weeks old when I found her, so once she had all of her vaccinations, it was time to get spayed and declawed! She pulled through with grace, and had a lot of fun hanging around the office while she recovered.

I think this is where we'll stop for today.

To be continued.....                  

Oh, the public should be informed that I live with a ghost now. She has been named Pauladine by Casey, in reference to my baking idol, Paula Deen. She goes bump in the night, every night and scares the begeezes out of me.-----------Fun Fact of the Day.

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