Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The END part III

So where was I?.....
                                  ah yes, moving out.

Well, as previously mentioned, the plan was to switch rooms with the girl whose roommates didn't party enough. Sounds easy enough, right???


My dearest twin brother, Eric, made the trip down to assist me in the move, bless his heart. As I had packed everything in my room up as much as I could the night before, all we had to do was throw everything in boxes and trek down the hill to the new place. I had already discussed with G why I was moving, and she completely understood and was SO cool about it all, and so was B2. B1 was NOT. G helped Eric and I move to the new place, while New Girl moved her crap into my room. I'm not entirely sure why, but New Girl decided to move in a day early, so when I arrived back the night before the move, all of her junk was sitting outside my door. Whatever.
So we eventually got all of my things out of my bedroom and bathroom, and all that was left was to try and separate my kitchen stuff from the everyone else's and move that down the hill. G, Eric and I were making great progress while B1 sat silently on the couch watching TV as if we weren't even there. I really didn't care at this point, because the less I had to do with him, the better. While I was separating my silverware from the drawer, Eric asked me if the toaster on the counter was mine, and I absentmindedly said yes. I had brought down the EXACT same toaster on move in day and was the only one that used it, so I totally forgot that it wasn't actually mine.
What happened next will be forever burned in my brain.

B1: "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!? THAT'S MY F*****G TOASTER! YOU'RE TRYING TO STEAL MY F*****G TOASTER" (as he comes flying across the room towards me)
me: "Woah.. time out. No one's trying to steal anything" (as I back away into the wall)
Eric: "Dude, calm down. It was just a mistake."
Me: "He's my brother and HE's helping me move, unlike YOU, so BACK OFF. It was just a mistake, I brought one just like that when I moved in, so I thought it was mine"
It went on like this for awhile and then he stomped back to the couch and stared at the TV while we continued to pack.

So I got myself moved into the new place. I now lived with three girls, and my cat. Then, one day in November while I was napping peacefully with Athena, someone just barges into my apartment. I was there alone, so I kinda got freaked out. Then, I heard "EMILY, IF YOU'RE IN THERE YOU'D BETTER COME OUT NOW!"
It was the TEAC's manager.... she's pure EVIL. So I threw Athena into my bathroom, shut the door, and opened the door to my room. She walks right past me and starts looking around and opens the bathroom door and out walks my little kitten. I insist that I'm only watching the cat for a few days for a friend and she says, "Well you'll have to give me $100 and she has to be gone by tomorrow". Awesome. This whole experience was incredibly traumatic, as I had had several experiences with TEAC staff barging into my apartments unannounced - they had been given master keys by evil manager lady. It's a very scary experience to have a stranger just walk into your apartment... I wonder how often they get pepper spray in the face?....

Well to say the least, I'd had enough of this place; so over Christmas break, I started apartment hunting - technically I was looking for a place for once my lease with TEAC ran out. It just so happened that I stumbled upon the most perfect apartment imaginable, and it was open right then. It had just become available from a masters student who had graduated in December. I couldn't believe my luck. So my dad and I came down for a look. It's owned by the neighbors, so I don't have to deal with any evil manager lady. It's a non-smoking building, which is nice, AND I'm the only student living here, so it's super quiet!! Granite countertops, ceramic tile, jacuzzi tub, plush carpets, walk in closet, stainless steel appliances, river view from the windows... what more could a girl want?! So I wrote up a letter of termination of lease, including how the management broke their lease with me, and I therefore had a right to terminate. It was GLORIOUS. They were trapped!... or so I thought.
Eric and I came down to Cape once more to hand in my letter to Evil Manager Lady and go and sign a lease for my new apartment. When I arrived, I handed her the letter and told her I would hand in my keys by the first of February. She asked me if I had found a sub-letter and I told her no, that that would be their job and the reasons why were listed in the letter. She had not once looked at the letter I handed her, that I and my parents signed. This was about the time that Eric returned from the bathroom. He stood by and listened to the conversation as it became more and more heated and Evil Manager Lady got louder and louder. I cited passages from the lease and basically re-iterated my letter for her verbally and she just continued to  say that she would be sending the letter to her lawyer. I continued to tell her that was fine with me, but she just kept saying that the situations I mentioned had somehow been remedied - which they hadn't. Eric cut in and said "Yeah, but you never actually remedied any situation for her". At this, Evil Manager Lady help up her hand and said "Oh no, I was not talking to YOU, I was talking to HER".
I thought Eric was going to END HER. He was obviously furious, and so was I - my ears were red and hotter than Hades. Eric finally ended the conversation with "Fine, send it to your lawyer, but as you're talking in circles, we may as well not waste any more of your time or ours", and we made our leave. When we got in the car he asked if I wanted to call dad, but I told him to, seeing as the anger was overflowing into tears of RAGE. Dad was also furious upon hearing what had happened, and called her to speak with her once more. She played dumb with him and when he said, "My son said you seemed upset" she floundered around for words until the line suddenly went dead.
To give the short version of the rest of the story, my Papa Bear fought with management until we got back our pre-paid rent, and I was sworn to secrecy - that was the condition for getting our money back, that I would never mention what happened. Well, I've stuck to that, considering I never said the name of TEAC! LOOPHOLES!!!!
So now, I'm living happily ever after in my glorious, downtown, riverview apartment by myself with my fish, Perseus (he's the demigod who killed Medusa).

THE END (of the End)

Side Story: Amanda is now in New Mexico --- I am there in spirit.

Side Story 2: I now have my mixer and everything I need to make this angel food cake!!

Side Story 3: My Grandparents now read my blog, so it's officially awesome (LOVE YOU GUYS)

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