Monday, May 9, 2011

Mama Mia!

It just occurred to me that I nearly forgot to pay homage to one of my all-time favorite people in the universe on her day of recognition! My mom! Mother's Day! I understand that Mother's Day might have ended for normal people about forty five minutes ago. However, I do not look at time the way most people do. To me, the day does not actually end until I go to sleep. So, yes, it IS in fact, still Mutters Tag, and I can still recognize my mutter without being late. So there.

Now, I could go into the extremely mushy "my mom has inspired me to blah" and "my mom has always done blah for blah", but I won't. Oh no, I will just tell short, silly stories about her to show her just how much I love her.

Short Story 1:

So last September, I found a cat, named her Athena, got her fixed and declawed and then she got kicked out of my apartment (full details to come at later date). Anyhow, by this time, my mom and brother had grown quite attached to the little demon (see left), so when she got the boot from the evil apartment complex (also to be spoken about later), I took her straight home to them. 

Now, if you had told my parents a year ago that they would have a cat, they would have laughed and kicked you out of their house for suggesting such nonsense. Look where they are now. My mother is officially a crazy cat lady. She buys "Cat Sip" - which is milk that cats can digest without getting sick - and gives it to her every morning. Athena has her well trained. She wakes her up at 5:00 am every morning, meows at the fridge until she gets her milk, takes a shower with my mom, gets her food bowl filled, and then allows my mom to go about her business. They are now best friends. My dad, however, is a different story.... I don't think THAT much can change in a household.

Story 2:

My mom is hilarious. This year, I got my first ever birthday to myself with my 'rentals. They took me to an astounding seafood restaurant (this is a HUGE deal since my brother's fatally allergic to seafood), and we had a brilliant time. All three of us ordered the same thing: Parmesan Crusted Fresh Chilean Sea Bass, with Amaretto carrots and goatcheese mashed potatoes. That's right. I remember the whole thing, it was THAT good. Here is a charming photo from that evening:

Ok, so when you take my mom out to eat, never - I repeat NEVER - believe for a second that she is going to finish whatever she orders. Her coined phrase is "For Lunch Tomorrow" and one hears this whenever they're in an eatery with this woman. Don't worry, we make plenty of fun of her for this. :)

Story 3:
         Not really a story, but a bit of truth.

My mom is HOT. I know that sounds weird, but seriously. I never have to worry about what I'm going to look like when I get older because I'll look like her and that is most certainly good enough for me - be jealous, it's understandable. In high school, I was mostly friends with guys, which led to hot mom contests, and my mom always won! 

So all in all, I just want to thank my mom for being the absolute best, and for the great genes - they will be greatly appreciated every year of my life! In all seriousness, my mom is and always has been one of my very best friends, and I love her for everything she is.


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