Thursday, May 12, 2011

Going to the Hospital

It's that time of year again, folks! Time to plan vacations, spend time with your favorite people, relax and just enjoy yourself! Finals are coming to a close and so is the school year, so it's time to kick back, soak up some sun, and love every minute of it. For me, summer means four classes - and being a full time student, time with my girls, and the opportunity to work at my favorite place in the world!!

So in case it hasn't occurred to you yet, I have not tragically injured myself or fallen fatally ill and needed to visit the emergency room, the title of this blog refers, in fact, to my fabulous place of employment: Columbia Animal Hospital.

I started working at this wonderful business in May of 2008 and I learned right away that exceptional care was the standard to always be achieved. I worked at CAH until the end of the summer after my senior year; I worked until the day I moved away for college. Since then, I've been lucky enough to stay on as an honorary member of the staff and I work whenever I'm home for vacations or breaks. I really can't even begin to describe how much I love this business and how amazing everyone there is. Because it is a small business, we are all good friends and know each other really well. 

Every day is an adventure when you work at a vet's office. You hear all sorts of strange things when people call with questions, and see every bizarre situation as it comes through the front door, and Dr. Flaum will help any and every pet that he can. One story I will never forget, was the day that someone called and told me that their goldfish wasn't eating. I honestly thought that someone was just being ridiculous and prank calling the office or something, but this lady was adamant. She assured me that this fish was very important and that something was wrong and needed medical attention, so I told her to bring her fish in. A little while later, a lady came in with a giant clear plastic tub full of water with an enormous goldfish inside (one of the ones who has a smile permanently plastered on its face). Dr Flaum had a look inside the goldfish's mouth with the endoscope (which shows the image on a TV screen) and ran into something hard and black. As it turns out, the fish had eaten a part of the rubber from the tank, and couldn't digest it or spit it back out, so it was just trapped in its little fish belly. So Dr. F got out his forceps, reached in, and pulled out the piece of rubber. Then we had one last look into its belly with the endoscope, saw that the fish was empty and advised the lady to return her fish to its tank and feed it. Evidently, this particular fish lived a long and happy life after its rubber eating trauma - and Dr. F allowed that to happen! The man can even rescue FISH!

On top of his incredible abilities in the exam room, Dr. Flaum also plays a role in the Humane Society. He is on the board to help make decisions for the HSMC (Humane Society of Monroe County) and does spays, neuters, and routine check ups and vaccinations for pets in the system to be sure that any adopted pet is at its healthiest. Along with all his work for the Humane Society, he also opens up the hospital to one dog at a time who is in need of some socialization and love before he/she is fit to be adopted. That pet hangs out in the front reception area to help them learn to trust people and that where there is people, there is food!! To the right here is Yodie, who spent a lot of time with us last summer and found a home thanks to his socialization and his exposure to the public at our office! Below is Mulder, who Jess, one of our own, adopted after he spent a lot of time at the office and the two fell in love with each other!

Also in the office, we have three house cats: Flounder, Priscilla and Max. Each of these three has their own story and their very own, and very unique, personality. They're always happy to welcome clients and patients into the office, and are more than willing to beg for attention. 

After I found Athena, I knew there was absolutely no where else in the world that she would go for veterinary care. I took her there within the first week that I had her to get her initial kitten check up, and she's gone there ever since. She tried a few times to be a "house cat" like Priss and Flounder, but she's WAY too much of a brat for that to work out. Everyone thinks she looks just like Priscilla, and that may be true, but they are very different on the inside. Priss (below) just wants to lay on your shoulders and give you a kitty massage, but Athena would bite your face off for even suggesting it. When she was introduced to the house cats, she threw herself a nice little hissy fit, hissing and spitting and swiping at the cats, but she absolutely LOVED Mulder! She rubbed on his legs and sat down by him while he sniffed at her. Apparently she has issues with things that are near her size, but anything bigger, and you can be friends.

So, to get to the point, summer time for me, means going home and doing the job I love most in the world. Thank goodness they still want me! We've recently gone completely paperless with our super cool, new, high tech computer system... Although I think my favorite part of the system is that you can apply pictures of the pet to their file that prints out on all their labels and invoices!! It's SO cool!! 

So if you're in need of a vet, or would like to meet the most exceptional vet in the St. Louis area, you need to take a visit to Columbia Animal Hospital and see Dr. Flaum... you may just see yours truly there! At any rate, you should check out the cool new website!! 

I can't wait to see what great stories this summer brings, and you can be certain that the best ones will be shared! So keep your eyes open!
Hope everyone is having an amazing start to their summer... look out midwest, it's supposed to be mild and humid this year (what else is new?)!
 I officially have five days off until my first summer class starts.. BRING IT ON!

And I love you for following my blog! ha ha ha ha ha!!

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