Sunday, May 8, 2011

Oh How Exciting!

Well, hello blogging world! I've been meaning to join you for quite some time now.

My name is Emily, and according to my friends, I lead a relatively interesting life. So I shall begin to share some of these fine times with my.. well.. one  follower. My best friend, Amanda. So my first story will be about her!

Amanda, or as I know her, The Panda, has been friends with me for the last seventeen years - since we were three years old. Really we've been together much longer because our dads were best friends in high school, and we took this to mean that we were technically friends before birth through the X chromes we got from our pops - however disturbing that may be. We met in preschool and quickly figured out that we would never be apart from each other. All through grade school and high school, we have been together, and even after I moved away to college, we still sit here and skype every night, like we're doing right now. We also take marvelous and incredibly embarrassing pictures of each other whilst skyping... like this:

Ohhh how the blogging war has begun. I'm sure there will be a lot more to be said about the panda in the future, like about how she firmly believes my Chocolate Bear needs to be washed, but for now, it's bed/ Harry Potter time. That's right. She's a Harry Potter freak. Deal with it.

And never fear.. this was taken five years ago. I no longer dress like this, but I DO still get this excited about HP.

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